Talk 1: Re-defining Caregiving to Care-Living OR Re-defining Caregiving: Dare to Live and Love through Dementia
Audience: Couples, Caregiving spouses/partners, sons and daughters
Recommended Organizations: Faith groups, community groups, Alzheimer’s (other illnesses) support groups, Women’s clubs, Families
Talk 2: What about Me? Keeping from becoming a casualty to my husband’s disease OR Live lovingly through loss without losing yourself.
Audience: Women, Partners/spouses, families.
Recommended Organizations: Faith groups, Sisterhoods, Book Clubs, Women’s clubs, Alzheimer (other illnesses) support groups, Families
Talk 3: Please Remove the “Tragedy Talk” from a Dementia Diagnosis OR Insights, Impacts, and Imperatives for Couples Receiving a Dementia Diagnosis
Audience: Health care professionals, Mental health professionals, Care professionals, or anyone talking to couples with a life-altering diagnosis. Note: this could be flipped to the patient perspective, helping them think through what they should be looking for from the professionals.
Recommended Organizations: Associations, Medical schools, Training of mental health professionals, Agencies, clinics, care teams.